12 October 2011

Long exposures

 Table Mountain, Cape Town, South Africa. I took this picture when I was on vacation with a few friends. We hiked up the mountain, watched the sun set, and then realized we couldn't see a thing. Hiking straight down this mountain was quite difficult with no light. 
Once we were down at the bottom, we called for a ride and I took this photograph while we were waiting. It was something like a twenty minute exposure which is why you can see the star movement behind Table Mountain. 
 These two photos are from Bastille day in Paris. It was one of the first pictures I took with long exposure and I only had a vague idea of what to do with the settings on my camera. I like the first one because it gives you an idea as to the amount of people who were at the Champ de Mars that summer night.

 My friend Alex is posing here on a couch in the 15th arrondissement in Paris. We found a white couch abandoned on the side of the road and carried it around for a few blocks, taking pictures at around 11:30 at night. We got many many curious looks. There are more of these on their way so check back!
 These two pictures were taken at a hostel in Paris with a life size chess board. I think if I were to take these pictures again, I would take a series of them, showing each move, drawn in light, before the piece is moved. The series would show the complete history of the specific game.

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